Aliphatic Solvents

They are products of the distillation of naphtha or natural gasoline. It is obtained by controlling the boiling point and then it undergoes purification, neutralization and rectification processes of its distillation limits. These products are colorless, with a pleasant odor and solvent power.

Solvent Nº 1A

Technical information
Extraction of oils, manufacture of paints and resins, glues and adhesives, thinner and as fuel for ovens in the food industry.

Features Method Units Specification
ASTM Minimun Maximun
Distillation D 1078
Boiling point ºC (ºF) 32.0 (90.0)
50% Recovered ºC (ºF) 54.5 (130.0) 82.2 (180.0)
Dry point ºC (ºF) 101.7 (215.0)
Aromatic UOP 555 (1) %Peso 5
Color D 156 25
Corrosion Copper Foil D 130 (2) 1
(1)(1) Alternative method: UOP 394
(2) 30 Minute at temperature slightly below initial boiling point (PIE).

Apiasol Nº 1

Technical information
Extraction of oils, manufacture of paints and resins, glues and adhesives, thinner and as fuel for ovens in the food industry.

Features Method Units Typical Value
ASTM Minimun
Aromatic %Mass 2.74
Corrosion Copper Foi, 3h a 50ºC D 130 1.1A
Distillation D 1078
Initial Boiling Point ºC (ºF) 30 (89) – 38(100)
50% Recovered ºC (ºF) 41 (106) – 47(117.0)
boiling end point ºC (ºF) 77 (171) – 111 (221)
Saybolt Color D 156 + 20

Solvent Nº 2

Technical information
For the rubber industry, ink manufacturing and thinner formulation.

Features Method Units Specification
ASTM Minimun Maximun
Sulfur D 4294 (1) %Mass 0.1
Saybolt Color D 156 +25
Copper Sheet Corrosion D 130 (1) 1
Distillation D 1078
Initial Boiling Point ºC (ºF) 40.5 (105) 60.0 (140)
50% Recovered ºC (ºF) 93.3 (200) 110.0 (230)
Dry point ºC (ºF) 121.1 (250) 143.3 (290)
Kauri Value – Butanol D 1133 Report
Refractive Index at 20ºC D 1218 Report
(1) Alternative method: ASTMD 2622, D 1266
(2) 30 Minute at temperature slightly below initial boiling point (PIE)

Solvent Nº 3

Technical information
Manufacture of paints, resin solvents and products for agriculture.

Features Method Units Specification
ASTM Minimun Maximun
Sulfur D 4294 (1) %Mass 0.1
Saybolt Color D 156 +25
Copper Sheet Corrosion D 130 (2) 1
Distillation D 86
Initial Boiling Point ºC (ºF) 104.5 (220)
10% Recovered 110.0 (230)
50% Recovered ºC (ºF) 115.5 (240) 129.5 (265)
90% Recovered ºC (ºF) 149.0 (300)
Dry point ºC (ºF) 160.0 (320)
Kauri Value – Butanol D 1133 Report
Refractive Index at 20ºC D 1218 Report
(1) Alternative method: ASTMD 2622, D 1266
(2) 30 Minute at temperature slightly below initial boiling point (PIE)

Solvent Nº 4 (Varsol)

Technical Information
Manufacture of resins, waxes and bitumens, for laundries and general cleaning.

Features Method Units Typical Value
ASTM Minimun Maximun
Saybolt Color D 156 + 21
Bromine number D 1159 gBr/100g 5
Flashpoint D 56 ºC (ºF) 32.2 (90)
Copper Sheet Corrosion D 130 1
Kauri Value – Butanol D 1136 29 45
Distillation D 86 ºC (ºF)
Initial 143.3 (290)
50% 187.8 (370)
Dry point 215.6(420)


Technical information
Extraction of edible vegetable oils.

Features Method Units Specification
ASTM Minimun Maximun
Aromatic UOP 555(1) mg/kg 500
Saybolt Color D 156 +25
Copper Sheet Corrosion D 130 (2) 1
Relative density at 15.6 ºC D 4052 Report
Distillation D 86
Initial Boiling Point ºC (ºF) 60 (140)
Dry point ºC (ºF) 71.1 (160)
Doctor test D 235 Negative
Non-volatile material D 1353 mg/100ml 1
Bromine number D 1159 gBr/100g 6
Vapor Reid Pressure (RVP) D 323 kPa (psi) 48.3(7.0)
(1) Alternate method: UOP 555
(2) 30 Minute at temperature slightly below initial boiling point (PIE)

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