Aromatic Solvents

Liquid, volatile and with a characteristic smell. Not soluble with water and it is used to mix with other organic solvents or alcohols.

Requires high safety measures since it is extremely inflammable.


Technical Information

It is used in the manufacture of Cyclohexane, Benzene and Mixed Xylenes.

Features Method Units Specification
ASTM Minimun Maximun
Acidity D 847 Pass
Appearance (1) Pass
Platinum-Cobalt Scale Color D 1209 20
Acid Wash Color D 848 2
Sulfur Compounds D 853 (2) Pass
Corrosion Copper Foil D 849 (3) Pass
Chromatography UOP 555 (4)
Benzene Content %Mass 99.85
Non-Aromatic Content %Mass 0.15
Relative density at 15.6 ºC D 4052 0.882 0.886
Density at 20 ºC D 4052 g/cm3 0.878 0.882
Distillation D 850
Distillation Range ºC (ºF) 1 (32.8)
Included Temperature ºC (ºF) 80.1(176.2)
Solidification Point D 852 ºC (ºF) 4.85(40.7)
Thiophene D 1685 mg/kg
(1) Clear liquid free of sediment or opacity between 18.3 and 25.6ºC.
(2)(2) H2S and SO2 free; qualitative analysis.
(3)(3) 30 Minute at temperature slightly below initial boiling point (PIE).
(4) Alternative method for the determination of Benzene ASTM D 2360.


Technical Information

It is used as a solvent in the manufacture of paints, resins, thinners and inks. It serves as a raw material for the manufacture of benzene and can replace it in certain formulations.

Features Method Units Specification
ASTM Mínimo Máximo
Acidity D 847 Pass
Appearance (1) Pass
Platinum-Cobalt Scale Color D 1209 20
Acid Wash Color D 848 2
Sulfuro Compounds D 853 (2) Pass
Corrosion to Copper, 30 minutes at 100ºC D 849 Pass
Chromatography D 2360
Non-Aromatic Content %Vol 1.5
Relative Density at 15.6 ºC D 4052 g/cm3 0.869 0.873
Density at 20 ºC D 4052 g/cm3 0.878 0.882
Distillation D 850
Distillation Range ºC (ºF) 1 (33.8)
Included Temperature ºC (ºF) 110.6 (231)
(1) Clear liquid free of sediment or opacity between 18.3 and 25.6ºC.
(2) H2S and SO2 free; qualitative analysis.


Technical Information

They are widely used as solvents in the manufacture of paints, as a vehicle in the insecticide industry, and in the manufacture of various types of thinner. Due to their solvency power they can replace benzene in certain formulations.

Features Method Units Specification
ASTM Minimun Maximun
Acidity D 847 Pass
Appearance (1) Pass
Platinum-Cobalt Scale Color D 1209 20
Acid Wash Color D 848 6
Sulfuro Compounds D 853 (2) Pass
Corrosion to Copper, 30 minutes at 100ºC D 849 Pass
Chromatography D 2360 0.5
Non-Aromatic Content %Mass 0.875
Relative Density at 15.6 ºC D 4052 0.865 0.872
Density at 20 ºC D 4052 g/cm3 0.862
Distillation D 850 143 (289.4)
Initial Boiling Point (PEI) ºC (ºF) 137 (278.6) 1 (33.8)
Dry Point ºC (ºF)
(5)(1) Clear liquid free of sediment or opacity between 18.3 and 25.6ºC.
(2) H2S and SO2 free; qualitative analysis.


Technical Information

It is used as a raw material for the production of caprolactam and in the production of adipic acid, which in turn is a raw material for the manufacture of nylon.

Features Methd Units Specification
ASTM Minimun Maximun
Sulfur UOP 357(1) mg/kg 2
Saybolt Color D 156 + 30
Chromatography D 3054(2)
Cyclohexane %mass 99.75
n-Heptane mg/kg 100
Aromatic mg/kg 1000
Methyl-Cyclohexane mg/kg 200
Naphthenes other than Cyclohexane mg/kg 1000
Aliphatic C6+ mg/kg 1000
Relative Density at 15.6 ºC D 4052 0.783 0.784
Distillation D 1078
Initial Boiling Point (PEI) ºC (ºF) 80.3 (176.5)
Dry Point ºC (ºF) 81.3 (178.3)
Phenols UOP 464 mg/kg 1
Non-Volatile Material D 1353 g/100ml 0.001
Solidification Point D 1493 ºC (ºF) 6(62.24)
(1) Alternate Methods: ASTM D 4294, D 2622, D 1266.
(2) Alternate Method: UOP 555.

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